Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy 7 Abby!

Dear Abigail,

Are you seriously 7 already?  I can't believe it.  The past year has flown by, yet again, and we continue to be amazed by you.  You are a crazy good reader and fly through the books faster than I can find new ones for you!

I love all the pictures you bring it to me at night.  True, you're supposed to be sleeping, but who could resist (another) picture illustrating that I'm the best Mommy in the world?!  

You crack me up with your wardrobe choices.  Pleeeeease don't ask you to wear jeans.  Or anything too tight, too loose, too "scratchy", itchy or otherwise deemed uncomfortable by you.  Even though I seem to have trouble maintaining patience, I secretly laugh and remember back to the days when Grandma made me wear tights with saddle shoes and always put my hair in pigtails.  Ahhhhh, it hurts my "sensitive hairs!" ;)

Your smile is the. best.  That sly grin you give.  It is so fitting for you.  You are such a big help and are usually the first to ask, "Mom, what can I do to help?"  You have no idea.....

Thanks for being you.  You are unique and wonderful.  May God give us all that we need to raise you to be a young lady that loves.  Always remember....."Love is Spoken Here."

I love you Abble-Dabble.
