Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fake Sneeze

This morning, one of the girls sneezed and out of nowhere we hear Gabe say, "Ahh  shhhh."
This is his version of a fake sneeze and he loved the reaction he got and has continued his rendition all day.

His other new tricks include giving kisses (very wet, gooey ones - usually unannounced or with very little warning) and saying "Da Da" as he reaches for Ron.
For the record, he did that like eons ago for me.  Ok, I wish.

Oh gross.  Lauren just walked in with goop all over her hands.  I said, "Did you put too much Vaseline on your lips babe?" (her lips are chapped)
She goes, "No Mom, this is snot!"

Sick. (pun intended)  Gotta go.