Friday, February 22, 2008

Funny Stories from this Week

Waved for the first time today!!!

As she was milling around in the pantry yesterday, (where she likes to hang) she brought out a container of sunflower seeds and said, "Mom, is this DOG FOOD?"

On our way to pick Maddie up at the bus stop she was singing:  
I don't wantcha blow
I don't wantcha blow
I don't wantcha blow my horn
to the tune of "Dinah, Won't you blow my Horn"

Announced at lunch today that when she turns 5 she is going to write a book.....about me....should I be scared?

Sent an email to her friend Kate (only Kate doesn't have email so in the email address line she typed, "Kate" - naturally) that said:
 "I know you like socer.  I was thinking we could play on the same team."  
Oh, and she sent it from Ron's phone.  He found it in his sent box.

And even funnier was our breakfast conversation:
M: I am related to the Chinese
Me: I'm sorry, what?
M: I'm related to China
Me: Sorry, still confused
M:  Well, I have the shape of head that a lot of Chinese people have and I also have the same kind of hair.

At this point, I'm trying to figure out what I'm supposed to say.  I explained how ethnicity works, etc.  At the end she said, "Well, I want to be Chinese!"
This might have something to do with the fact that she has 2 beautiful cousins who were blessed enough to be born in China and are now living just down the street.  
Too cool.