April 1, 2010
....that I owe Abigail a letter for her birthday. My camera is still lost. I have offered multiple (and increasingly lucrative) rewards for its safe return, to no avail. Here's a picture of my Linc before said camera disappeared.
Blog, smog.
This is what I've done the past couple months instead of blogging:
- Choosing curriculum for next school year
- Growing plants indoors for the garden
- Buying 1/4 organic, grass-fed cow (I have no idea what these different cuts are!!)
- Learning to mill flour and bake breads, hamburger buns, granola bars and more...
- Preparing the girls for standarized testing
- Completing a marriage course with Ron, 60+ hours of pure fun!
- Sneaking in time with Lincoln who is fast-approaching his 1st birthday
I can't remember what else....meals & laundry maybe?
Oh, this is a good time for a sleep update:
Lincoln, I would like to apologize to you now for making this blog (and Twitter) your baby book. Mommy loves you.
Guess who is officially sleeping through the night? I told Ron that I was going to let him "cry it out" the week after our marriage class since he would be turning 10 months old (7-months-late-is-better-than-never-plan) and low and behold, he must have overheard my plan and decided to outwit me. He is now sleeping 7:30 pm until around 6:30 am. Would like to squeeze that 6:30 into a 7....but, let's not be too picky here.
I found him sitting (!) in his crib this morning so apparently he has now learned to go from lying down to a sitting position. And.....he's getting his 7th tooth. Just broke through yesterday. At least that's when I discovered it.
T minus 2 1/2 months till I jet out of the country with Ron for a little honeymoon....